For the 2025-26 school year, applications are due May 25, 2025 with grant notifications by mid-June.


  • $2,000 worth of new children’s books for the public library, to be chosen by the public librarian from CLiF's extensive book list. 
  • $500 worth of new children’s books for the elementary school library, to be chosen by the school librarian from CLiF's extensive book list. 
  • Storytelling and kickoff presentation at the local elementary school for all students K-6, to be held in Fall 2025. The public and school librarians will showcase their new library books purchased with the CLiF grant.
  • Book giveaway for all the students at the local elementary school to be held in May or June 2026 (option to host at the library during the school day if there is enough space). Each student will be able to choose two new books to take home provided by CLiF. The public librarian will attend to share information about summer reading programs.  
  • Book giveaway for children (and their families) ages 0-5 at the library, partner preschool, or local childcare center. 
  • Take home literacy kits for children (and their families) ages 0-5 to add to library circulation.
  • $300 mini-grant to support youth literacy programming, enrichment, and engagement in your library. This can also include summer, afterschool, or school vacation week programming.
  • $1000 menu of options for you to select one: 1) More library books; 2) Children's section upgrades; 3) 1000 Books Before Kindergarten; 4) Author visit at the library; or 5) Family literacy event in partnership with the elementary school.


  • Public library in Vermont or New Hampshire.
  • Self-identify as serving "rural" communities. A guideline is that the U.S. Census Bureau defines a rural area as 5,000 people or less. 
  • Limited budget, libraries with annual budget of less than $125,000 generally given preference.
  • Demonstrated community need. 
  • Demonstrated commitment to partner with the local elementary school, child care centers, and community members.
  • Must be a minimum of four years since your last Rural Library grant.

A complete application will include:

  • A statement of support from the school principal. 
  • A statement of support from the local public library.
  • A statement of support from the school librarian (if your school has one; not necessary if the school librarian is filling out the application).
  • Statements of support from your school's literacy interventionist and/or other educators (optional, but strongly encouraged).
  • Any additional materials that demonstrate the school’s need for supplementary literacy programming and/or the creative, enthusiastic ways that the school staff will help this initiative to succeed.
  • Final statement: CLiF may ask grant finalists to submit a one-page final statement summing up their commitment to Year of the Book programs.

All grant applicants will be notified no later than April 1, 2025.


Schools that receive Year of the Book grants are asked to facilitate their grant’s success by completing the following activities before the end of the current school year: 

  • Local Coordinator(s): Schools must select a local coordinator or co-coordinators. The coordinator(s) will be CLiF’s primary contact and it is crucial they have the capacity and energy for this project. They will work with the school and a local advisory committee to organize, schedule, and report on events and programs. The coordinator(s) may be a school administrator, educator, or librarian. CLiF will pay the coordinator a stipend of $800 for the year for their efforts (co-coordinators will split it). 
  • Advisory Committee: CLiF asks the local coordinator to assemble a committee of teachers, staff, parents, administration, and/or community members to help with event planning and promotion and with maintaining momentum after the grant period.
  • Attendance at the CLiF Community Literacy Conference on April 4, 2025: Save the date! This will be time for your Year of the Book cohort to meet in person and learn about what's to come. Registration is free for two school representatives to attend at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Those are not selected for the Year of the Book grant are still welcome (and encouraged!) to attend at no cost.
  • Informational Kickoff Meeting: In May or June 2025, CLiF will set up meetings (either in-person or virtually) at each sponsored school to meet the local coordinator(s), advisory committee, principal, and staff involved with the planning process. At this meeting, CLiF staff will work with your school to plan the fall kickoff event, brainstorm an initial calendar of events for the upcoming year, and answer any questions.